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Discomfort caused by Clear Aligners is no reason to worry

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Discomfort caused by clear aligners is no reason to worry

Especially at the beginning of your K Clear Aligner treatment you might experience some discomfort. However, this is not a reason to worry. There are even a few steps you can take to prevent discomfort.


Yes, K Clear Aligners use forces to gently move your teeth into a different position than

before. If you feel a slight discomfort or pain whilst your K Clear Aligner treatment, this is a sign that your treatment is working.

Another reason for pain can be that you chew and swallow differently during your K Clear Aligner treatment. The movement of your teeth changes your bite. As a result, you chew differently than usual, putting strain on teeth that are not used to it.

Your gums act like a muscle that can cause discomfort, tension or soreness. This occurs especially when you wear a new set of K Clear Aligners. Irritation in your mouth could hinder you in daily activities such as brushing your teeth or eating.


With your first aligner, usually it ain’t the best feeling to start with. Your teeth are moving for the first time, your body is experiencing a foreign body touching teeth, tongue, lips and cheeks.

Any foreign body (i.e. in this case the Clear Aligner) introduced to your body will face some slight resistance from your body’s immune reaction. This could be seen as some areas in the gums, tongue, or cheeks get slightly swollen, sore, or inflamed. Your body might need a couple of hours to a few days to get accustomed to the new aligners in your mouth. Taking painkillers or topical analgesics might help. Consulting your doctor is recommended.


1. Protect your tongue

Especially at the beginning of your K Clear Aligner treatment, like any new appliance in the mouth, you may experience pain from minor injuries to your tongue, gums, or cheeks caused by the edges of K Clear Aligner. You can use an aligner file (supplied to you in the aligner kit) to treat sharp edges on your aligner, if any. You can also use dental wax (your dentist or orthodontist could provide) to smoothen the edges. If you still feel great discomfort or pain, please talk to your K Clear doctor practitioner.

2. Stick to your schedule

Don’t give up because your first aligner was such a pain. Keep going on, it is a normal phenomenon to be seen in orthodontic treatments.

Only change your aligners on the days agreed with your K Clear practitioner. The timing is planned by your K Clear experts so that you feel the least pain.

Also, change your aligners or start wearing it for the first time (Aligner number 1) just before you go to bed. This way you sleep with your new Clear Aligners for the first 8 hours, which are perhaps the most uncomfortable. However, next day morning your mouth will have adapted very well to the aligner.

3. Give your teeth a break

Especially at the beginning of the treatment with K Clear Aligners you will experience an unusual discomfort while eating. Try to avoid eating food that requires a lot of effort to chew during the first period. Try to get used to the clear aligners by eating mainly soft foods. Furthermore, try to drink a lot of water. The clear aligners must be taken out of the mouth before eating.


Mainly during the first weeks of your K Clear Aligner treatment, you might experience unaccustomed tension or even slight pain in your mouth. This is nothing to worry about

Always remember that this is normal and part of the treatment. The forces must work effectively so that you will be rewarded with a bright smile at the end of your K Clear Treatment. The temporary pain will be worth it for a life long result.

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